
Poster Presentation Winners Oral Presentation Winners
Ligand Based Pharmacophore Modelling and Virtual Screening Studies for the Discovery of Natural Product Based PDE3/4 Dual Inhibitors (Jia Le Lim and Anand Gaurav) Decoding molecular signatures of pituitary neuroendocrine tumors’ subtypes through systems biomedicine perspective (Busra Aydin, Esra Yildirim and Beste Turanli)
Blood Group Susceptibility Shifts in COVID-19 Variant Infection Rates (Atreyi Mandal, Monisha Krishnan and Pooja K.) SciTuna: A network alignment approach for integrating multiple single-cell RNA-seq datasets (Yacine Marouf, Hilal Kazan and Cesim Erten)
Prediction of Anti-hepatitis C peptides with machine learning algorithms (Akash Saraswat, Arijit Maitra and Bipin Singh) Evaluation of the Impact of DNA Mismatches in PCR Primers to Detect SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern Using a Thermodynamic Model (Pâmella Miranda and Gerald Weber)